Jun Hata, (Unit 606) joined the Board effective with the January 23 Board meeting filling out Mary Hsu’s term. Mary Hsu resigned the end of December and a Board position will be open for election at the March 27 Annual Meeting. Board positions are three year terms.

With regret the Board has just accepted the resignation of Board Treasurer, Doug Exworthy, effective January 31.  His professional skills, attention to detail and 23 years of dedication to the task was a rare and exceptional gift to the Ellington. I think, he’s only missed three or four meetings in all those years but never failed to submit a detailed monthly Treasurer’s Report.  Already effective, Jun Hata has accepted the position of Board Treasurer and can run for a full Board term in  March.  Jun is an original owner currently serving as Vice Chair of the EV Committee.  Doug will be working with Jun sharing what he can concerning what his role has been. 

Anyone interested in running for the open Board position, please complete a candidate form     and submit to Suhrco.  Candidate forms will be available at the front desk or on MGC sometime the first week of February.

Doug Exworthy has served as the representative of TRF Pacific, owner of the Ellington retail spaces that per the Declaration, require a TRF appointed position on the Ellington Board.  Doug has appointed Mike Bryan (Units 411/517) as his replacement. Mike is an original Ellington owner and actively involved in Board concerns over the years, most recently applying considerable effort in analyzing and documenting all aspects of our water usage, meter issues, expense and opportunities for resolution.  Mike will be a fully participating board member supporting our association as well as the retail representative to TRF.  As the owner of the retail units, TRF will retain voting rights on behalf of the Ellington Retail Associates at the Annual Meeting and the November  budget ratification meeting. 

Please join me in welcoming Jun and Mike as they assume their roles on the Ellington Board.  


Sterling Morris

COA Board President